Ever had a feeling when you look at
someone's photo and suddenly
your heart's racing and you just
want more of it?
I have! A few moments ago,
I went over a few pics and OMA!
Ahhh! I won't tell you who though,
private! But don't fix up any assumptions
on the pictures. They're all clean;)
Anw, this person had the most amazing eyes
matched with a wonderful smile.
If you're thinking it's a girl,
please I'm straight.
If you're thinking it's a guy,
please I'm not interested.
But what pulled my attention most to this
person was that she/he just had this aura.
I don't know what kind of aura but yea.
I promise you if you look at those pics,
you'll prolly be like AHHHHHH:))
Girl or guy!
Okay enough already.
Currently chatting with two mangkuks
gone crazy. (Dwi & Athirah)
Today was a great day I suppose.
Everything went smoothly and no
disappointments at all. Alhamdulillah!
Oh oh I have got to share this with you!
Recently, mum brought home 5 jars or
jelly beans. My Allah! they were so
wonderful! 2 Jars gone in two days.
It melts in your mouth like never before
I promise. If you wanna taste some of these
wonderful jelly beans, tell me! It's awesome,
I promisee!
Okay, I think I'm going to have to sleep
in the living room today since Bro's snoring on
my bed right now. Buh.
Nope. I'm not gonna sleep in his room. NEVER.
Oh oh oh! I can't wait for the sleepover
on the 25th! ARGHHHHHH!! :))
Alright, goodnight.
Wash your legs before bed okay!
(Now I sound like my mum)
(Still missing you :( )
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