and I wore white. I love white!
It just shows pureness you know.
We went to three houses.
It wasn't as much fun as last year's because
everyone came at different timings:(
But, meeting the family once more was
That Sunday, about 1/4 no .. 1/6 of my
family came over. Wow, was it as hectic as ever!
Cooked lotsa food and Alhamdulillah they liked it.
hehe. Really had fun bonding with Abang Nadzri (my
first brother). Yeah, he wasnt in the picture below.
My cute nieces and nephews came too!
Honestly, mum and I wasn't expecting that much people
cause usually only my brothers and sisters would
come over. BUT this year was different and the

This was half of the guests that came over. The rest
left. Yes, my family is that BIG. And yes, the guests
were only 1/6 of my family in overall. hah.
The week after, on Monday, my family and I went to
about 4 houses in total. Oh and my aunty.
My wak(s) and Natt's(niece).
oh, including Farhan's house:) hee.
Had lotsa fun especially at Wak Noor's house. See the
pic below? Those are my nieces and nephews(I think)
At Natt's house, we waited for Abang Sofian to
reach from school then the four of us headed to
BLK 390. haha Farhan's place.
Enjoyed myself there. Alhamdulillah our
parents could bond well. Oh,
and his grandma was really cute please:)
I like her smile:)
Cik Nora cooked mee bakso which was AWESOME:)
Then headed home after that.
What an awesome day that day was!
So here comes the AWESOMEST DAY EVER.
The day when my friends from the VICO club and
A4 ex classmates came over to my house.
Really had fun with them around!
People who came?
Farhan, Ralph, Sara, Shreedhya, Deepan, Kishen
and Sebastian.
Sorry Kishy for forgetting that you're a vegetarian.
Then, Ralph, Deepan, Kishen and Shreedz
had to leave early so it was just Farhan, Sara, my dad
and I.
We sang, played the guitar, piano and did
lotsa fun stuff! However, sorry guys, my house lacks
of english songs to karaoke. HAHA.
It was really fun having to spend time at home with
them!:)My dad was there to join in the fun too.
(For a while) haha.
Yes, Farhan and I dressed in orange<3
Oh, and we went for a spin around the neighbourhood.
Was the first time I drove with my friends in the car.
Hah. Had fun throughout the whole journey!:))
I am sooo gonna get my license soon!
Headed back home, took more pics.
WITH my dad in it! hahaha He's so cute plese.
Just look at his smile!:)

Then, had to fetch my mum, so
we sent the boys to city square cause they wanted to shop
and we bid goodbyes!
(Something I didn't wanna do.)
After fetching mum, went to a mama chops papa grill
for dinner. Treated the family.
Alhamdulillah rezeki.
Got myself lambchops! yum yum my fav!
Didnt take a pic of it though.
Was too hungry that I ate it first before the
thought of taking a picture came! haha.
yeah, overall, it was a splendid day!:)
Was really elated and happy.
What would I do without my friends and family?
Hope my hosting was good enough though.
And hope they all enjoyed it.
Though, I'm still sad that some couldnt make it.
It's okay guys, next year okay!:)
Salam, Nadz.
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