This is not music, it's soul.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Assumptions assumptions.

Wow. Yet again I'm in this
bloody trap. You know what?
I give up. Do whatever you want.
Say whatever you want to say.

I just wonder why people
always make assumptions before
getting the facts right first.
Hmm. I fell for it once and now
AGAIN. Seriously, FML.
Maybe Allah just wants me to learn
from all of these.

I'm already stressed up with other
f-ing stuff and now this?
Serious shit. This craziness has got
to stop!

No point blabbering about this anymore.
Cause people just don't give a bloody damn
at all. And you know what? If this was a
fishing big issue, i'd really understand.
Going deep on all these small issues is
just so childish.

No you know what. I take back all my words.
It's my fault. Always my fault. I am the one
guilty. I should have not done what I did.
I should be the one doing what I'm suppose to
do. If that's what you wanna hear, please feel
free to read this. I can't do anything right anymore
nowadays. UGH. :'(

Sometimes I wish assumptions never existed
in life. I wish people dont go overboard
on small issues. And how I wish I could impress
everyone around me.
Sincerely, if you think I should be at fault.
Okay, I am. I just want you to be happy.


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