This is not music, it's soul.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Sofian's beside me, cracking his
brains for his exam tomorrow.
He's repeating all of his medicine
stuff. It's like he's saying,
HAHAHAHA. I am seriously laughing (Silently
that is.)
Okay, now he's talking to his
greenishyellowish painted wall, okay and now
to his papers.

He said: "I am suffering here." (Smiles to himself)
Brother brother. HAHAH!
And now he is speaking in a british accent.
I just laughed at him,
"SHUT UP" he said with a very funny british old-man

okay, I seem to be enjoying this! Free
entertainment people!
He just did something stupid. Okay,
I could go on describing his every
movement. haha okay, NEXT.

So, when I went home today,
dad told me I got a letter from a friend.
"Your letter from an Australian friend!",
he said. I was EXCITED.

Dear Fzn,
You made my night with your letter.
So sweet and touching, I nearly cried reading
the letter.

Okay pause, my brother just laughed like
a seal! HAHAHAHAH!


you are one person who I can never
will forget. You are a friend worth
keeping cause you're awesome.
Forever CHBFF we will be:)

I think tonight's a crazy night.
No doubt, in a good way of course:)
I love people. I love the guy beside me.
I love all of my friends. I love watching
Sofian suffer. I love my dad. I love my mum
I love all the special people in the world.
I love you. I love him. I love her. I love orange.
I love laughing. I love not sleeping for a
whole day. I love integration.
I love Ms Teh. LOL. I love everything
world has to offer for me.
I love Allah.:) <3

Yet again, the question appeared.
I didnt say yes or no. I said something
stupid. :/
Ooooo~ Secret glances huh? ^^

Okay. Dah. Byeeeeeeeeee.


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