Sofian's beside me, cracking his
brains for his exam tomorrow.
He's repeating all of his medicine
stuff. It's like he's saying,
HAHAHAHA. I am seriously laughing (Silently
that is.)
Okay, now he's talking to his
greenishyellowish painted wall, okay and now
to his papers.
He said: "I am suffering here." (Smiles to himself)
Brother brother. HAHAH!
And now he is speaking in a british accent.
I just laughed at him,
"SHUT UP" he said with a very funny british old-man
okay, I seem to be enjoying this! Free
entertainment people!
He just did something stupid. Okay,
I could go on describing his every
movement. haha okay, NEXT.
So, when I went home today,
dad told me I got a letter from a friend.
"Your letter from an Australian friend!",
he said. I was EXCITED.
Dear Fzn,
You made my night with your letter.
So sweet and touching, I nearly cried reading
the letter.
Okay pause, my brother just laughed like
a seal! HAHAHAHAH!
you are one person who I can never
will forget. You are a friend worth
keeping cause you're awesome.
Forever CHBFF we will be:)
I think tonight's a crazy night.
No doubt, in a good way of course:)
I love people. I love the guy beside me.
I love all of my friends. I love watching
Sofian suffer. I love my dad. I love my mum
I love all the special people in the world.
I love you. I love him. I love her. I love orange.
I love laughing. I love not sleeping for a
whole day. I love integration.
I love Ms Teh. LOL. I love everything
world has to offer for me.
I love Allah.:) <3
Yet again, the question appeared.
I didnt say yes or no. I said something
stupid. :/
Ooooo~ Secret glances huh? ^^
Okay. Dah. Byeeeeeeeeee.
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