This is not music, it's soul.

Monday, October 11, 2010

10.10.10 (L)

Okay, I know 10.10.10
was yesterday but what happened
on that day was far more amazing
than anything that has happened
in my life:)

I'm not gonna spill my personal
life story here.
But I'm just gonna describe
as an amazing and beautiful day!:)

The memorial "rock",
"My" Charlie,
The laughs,
The songs,
the retardness,
Like you:)

Dear you,
Thank you for accepting me despite
all my flaws and the mistakes I did.
I'm still speechless about it and
I'm just thankful.

Okay, I have to admit it that after not
posting for very long because of exams,
I now feel lazy to blog anymore.

Let the moon come out!


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