Has it ever occur to you that
sometimes you can get caught up
and confused with your own feelings?
Well, based from my experience, I can and I did.
Sometimes, to be able to know how
one really feels deep inside,
he or she must share this mix of emotions
with someone else. Of course that someone must be
able to have a great listening ear.
If the person's not, then you just wasted
pure expression from deep within to someone
who probably does not even care.
I've came to realise that sometimes, it's
good to tell someone about how you feel deep
inside cause it helps find the inner true meaning
of it. Get anything that I'm trying to say?
Hmm, okay let's put it this way.
Given a scenario where Mr.A has a crush on Ms.B,
Mr.A would probably just tell himself that
he likes her because he admires her. It's not very
likely for him to discuss with himself on why exactly
he has a crush on her. But if Mr.A spills out on
his feelings towards Ms.B to Mr.Z, they would likely
ask questions and bring to a conclusion
to the reasons on why Mr.A finds Ms.B so interesting
enough to have a crush on her. If lucky enough,
Mr.A would probably dig out his own feelings and
finds out that he really does LIKE her.
Mind you, like and crush are two different meanings:)
This does not just imply on having crushes
but also other personal matters. It can be
for example, disliking someone and
finding out in the end that he/she isn't really that bad,
or even getting mad at someone but in the end
you find out it really is no one's fault.
I don't know whether this will make much sense
but I believe sharing can sometimes make the
impossible to be possible and make miracles happen.
And, honestly, this may sound cliche but it's true
that by sharing, you're letting all your emotions
bottled inside your palm-sized heart, free:)
And by the end of the session you'll definitely
feel this sensational feeling of having to
lose it up.
I was someone who didn't really like
to share because I was scared of what others
might think of me. I was scared they would create
untrue impressions of me by just judging from the stories
I told. This may happen, however, if you find
the right person that will listen to you and if you're
lucky enough, give you tonnes of USEFUL advices and
comments, they'll look at you as HUMAN. - A person
with feelings and experiences of their own which makes them,
So, stand up from that bottled-up world of
yours and spill it all out. Trust me, you'll discover
feelings that you did not even think of possessing.
Oh and one tip, don't spill it to people who are known
as secret-spillers. Cause the next thing you know,
you're gonna be the hot topic for gossips in your school.
:/ You never want that to happen.
With that, good luck! ;)
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