Today, was one of the most awesome-est
day I've ever encountered.
Everything went well for me since the
start of the day:)
The soccer girls and I went to WCP
to have a farewell party for the seniors.
Since I only joined the CCA since a few
weeks ago, I don't really know many of the
seniors at all. However, despite this,
I had an awesome time because they were
all so very welcoming. Even from the very
first moment I stepped into the CCA.
Anw, we had matches, played a game sorta like
charades, had pot-luck lunch and just purely
enjoyed ourselves:)
It was a great stress reliever really:)
I was so tired that I decided to skip the
deeeessseeeerrrttttt part of the day with the rest.
So went to Woodlands and meet love for after soo sooo
Then headed straight to the customs:(
(The life of a teenager living across the border:( )
Had tom yam kuey teow for dinner:)
The bombzxz!
Okay, I'm so shacked right now.
Heading to bed soon.
Alright, keep being awesome people!
Love you all!
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